Union Colony Admissions
Union Colony Schools is a tuition-free public K-12 Preparatory School. We have a K-5 Elementary School and a 6-12 Preparatory School. Please read below for all the steps - from interest to enrollment. If you have any questions, please email us at info@unioncolonyschools.org.
Applicant Responsibility
Applicants are responsible to update any changes to their application including address, phone numbers, etc. All applications will remain active from our January lottery through October 1st. Applications will be removed after October 1st of each year. If your student is not enrolled the legal guardian must reapply each year beginning in November during the open enrollment period.
Once the applicant enrolls at Union Colony, it is the parent's responsibility to notify Union Colony of any siblings on the wait list. Students must provide their own transportation.
New Students
Step 1: Application
Complete the upcoming school year Open Enrollment Application/s
November 1st - December 18th initial applications.
December 19th - January 28th secondary applications.
Indicate Union Colony Schools as your school of choice on the form.
Follow all of the prompts to complete your application.
*Any applications received after these windows will be placed on the waitlist.
Step 2: The Lottery and Conditional Offers
Lottery and priority assignments begin the last Wednesday of January.
Conditional offers will begin the first week of February.
Families have 8 days to accept a conditional offer and complete a and b from below.
a. Annual D6 registration (Access for the 25-26 school year will open February 4th 2025)
b. Union Colony Schools Enrollment Form
*On the 9th day, if there is a waitlist, the offer will be rescinded and families will need to reapply.
If you need assistance, please contact us:
elem@unioncolonyschools.org, 970.673.4997
prep@unioncolonyschools.org, 970.673.4546
Step 3: Mandatory orientation meeting
Must be scheduled by a legal guardian with the building registrar and Principal within 8 days of the conditional offer.
Annual D6 registration and all school required items must be completed before attending the meeting.
*if any items are not completed, in full, within 8 days of the conditional offer the offer may be rescinded pending grade level waitlist numbers.
Prospective student/s must attend the orientation meeting.
Scheduled after annual D6 registration and Union Colony Schools Enrollment form(step 2) is completed in full.
When attending this meeting don't forget to bring the following documentation.
Proof of Residency
Child's original birth certificate
Immunization records
Academic records from previous school (grades 1-12 only)
Step 4: Enrollment at Union Colony Schools
Orientation meeting is held.
The building Principal recommends enrollment of student/s to the building registrar.
The letter of intent is signed and initial school fees are paid in full at the building office immediately following the orientation meeting.
*Conditional offers may be rescinded at any time by the building Principal. Students with a 504 or IEP may not be enrolled if services required for accommodations are not available at Union Colony Schools. If your child has either of these accommodation designations please list in detail in the Union Colony Enrollment Form from Step 2.
*If there are outstanding items, a letter of intent is not signed, student/s is not enrolled, and families will only have 5 additional days to turn in all items or their offer will be rescinded.
Special Information for Kindergartners
All prospective kindergarten students must be five years old on or before October 1st of the year they will be entering kindergarten.