Student Conduct on School Buses

Union Colony Schools, Greeley, Colorado Page 1 of 3 The following regulations govern students who ride Union Colony Schools’ buses. Students will be responsible for knowing and following these rules. Proper pupil control on buses is essential to the safety and well-being of all bus riders. “Principal” means the principal of the school of attendance of the student whose conduct is at issue.

At The Bus Stop

1. Students must be at the bus stop no later than five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.

2. Students must be out of the roadway, either on the sidewalk or on the shoulder of the road, as the bus approaches the stop.

3. If a student causes damage to personal or public property at a bus stop, the student and his or her parents/guardians shall be responsible for it.

On the Bus

1. Students must cooperate with the bus operator and follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Students must stay seated and face forward with their feet in front of them. They must display courtesy and respect for other passengers.

3. Students must keep the noise level down. Screaming or other loud distractions will not be permitted. Students must be silent at railroad crossings.

Consequences for Misbehaviour

Unruly riders cannot be tolerated and shall be dealt with as described below. The Principal has the authority to move directly to any of the following steps when warranted. The Principal may require a conference with all the parties involved.

Step 1:

Driver-student conference/verbal warning.

It is recognized that many minor disciplinary incidents on the bus may be resolved by the driver and student. An effort should be made by the driver to resolve the behavior problem by conferring with the student privately. A record of these conferences should be maintained by the driver. It will be left to the driver's discretion to involve the parent and principal at this step. In most instances the verbal warning step should only be used twice before going to step two. In the case of a major occurrence the driver should proceed immediately to Step 2. All verbal counseling will be documented in the discipline records and in the bus operator's log book.

Step 2:


Pupil is given a misconduct report (Citation #1). If the citation is issued in the a.m., the pupil will be transported to school and to the drop-off point that p.m. If the citation is issued in the p.m., the pupil will be taken to his usual destination. Principal will be notified of the action taken. The Principal will contact the parents either by phone, mail, or email. Pupil will also take a copy of his/her citation to his/her parents for their signature. In short, the pupil must obtain parental signatures in the shortest possible time and present such copies to the driver.


Second Offense Pupil shall be transported to the p.m. drop-off point after receiving second citation, but will not be transported after parents have been notified. The Principal will contact the parents either by phone, mail, and email. Pupil will also take a copy of his/her citation to his/her parents for their signature. A conference will be held in the Principal's office with the pupil and parents. The bus driver may be called in for consultation by the Principal. A satisfactory conference will result in the pupil's remittance to the school bus. Up to five days bus riding suspension can result at second offense, at the prerogative of the Principal.


Transportation Suspension (five days) Pupil will be transported to the p.m. drop-off point but will not be allowed any to or from school transportation for five days. The Principal will require a conference of parties involved. The Principal will contact the parents either by phone, mail, or email. Pupil will also take a copy of his/her citation to his/her parents for their signature.


Transportation Suspension for Remainder of School Year A conference will be held in the Principal's office with the pupil and parents. The bus driver may be called in for consultation by the Principal. Permanent exclusion (remainder of school year) from daily school transportation may be recommended by the Principal, but requires review and action by the Director of Schools. Parents and pupil have the right to be heard by the Director before a final decision is made.


Violation of school policies and regulations while on the school bus may also result in the student's suspension or expulsion from school. Discipline for misconduct at the bus stop and on school buses is cumulative and progressive. A warning may be given for one type of inappropriate behavior, and a suspension may be given for another type of misbehavior. The principal may suspend riding privileges at any time, even after a first report, depending on the nature of the infraction.

Note: Student behavior at the bus stop and on the bus is also subject to the Student Code of Conduct, and violations may subject students to discipline besides loss of bus privileges, including suspension and/or expulsion from school.

Bus Transportation After School Dismissal

1. After school is dismissed for the day, buses will pick up students according to the transportation schedule set annually by the school. Buses will leave the school no earlier than five minutes after the final dismissal bell.

2. Buses will not return to school to pick up students arriving late at the loading zone.

Student Assignment to Bus Stops

1. All eligible students will be assigned to a bus stop by transportation services. Students must be picked up and dropped off at their assigned stops.

2. Students wanting to bring a guest on the bus must bring a note to the school office from a parent or guardian requesting this service. Requests will be honored provided students are well behaved and the bus does not become overloaded. The principal or designee will issue a bus pass to be given to the bus operator by students requesting this service. Bus operators will accept only official bus passes issued by the school office or transportation services; they will not accept notes from parents or guardians.

Unsafe Items

1. In accordance with Colorado Department of Education (CDE) regulations, items brought on board by students will be subject to review by the bus operator who will determine if such items would endanger the lives, health, or safety of the passengers and bus operators. Bus operators are authorized to refuse transportation of items they determine to be unsafe.

2. Items not allowed on board buses include firearms, explosives, flammables, knives or other sharp instruments, weapons, animals (except as permitted by law), glass containers or other items that can break or shatter, tobacco products, unauthorized drugs, coolers over eight quarts in size, laser pointers, and any other items, including large instruments and/or projects, that cannot be held on a student's lap or stored in a sports bag or backpack.

Severe Weather

Students should expect and dress for delays in bus service in severe weather.

Adopted: 9-28-13
Reviewed: 8.20.16